Complex Numbers in Golang

There are two complex types in Go. The complex64 and the complex128.

Initializing Complex Numbers

Initializing complex numbers is really easy. You can use the constructor or the initialization syntax as well.

c1 := complex(10, 11) // constructor init
c2 := 10 + 11i        // complex number init syntax

Parts of a Complex Number

There are two parts of a complex number. The real and imaginary part. We use functions to get those.

c := complex(23, 31)
realPart := real(c)    // gets real part
imagPart := imag(c)    // gets imaginary part

Operations on a Complex Number

A complex variable can do any operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Let’s see an example to perform mathematical operations on the complex numbers.

package main

import (

func main() {
	c1 := complex(2, 3)
	c2 := 4 + 5i // complex initializer syntax a + ib
	c3 := c1 + c2 // addition just like other variables
	fmt.Println("Add: ", c3) // prints "Add: (6+8i)"
	re := real(c3)           // get real part
	im := imag(c3)           // get imaginary part
	fmt.Println(re, im)      // prints 6 8

This is how we can use complex number variables in Go.